Should I buy Chicago Content Management Software?
It’s Sunday morning in Chicagoland, and you want to do your grocery shopping for the week. A family friend has suggested you visit the farmer’s market in town. So, you and the family pile into the car and head out. You’re a little excited to see what’s on offer today. Why? Because it’s locally grown, fresh, organic food, and because you want to support farms in your area. What a great way to help local business! When customers hear “buy local,” they usually think of produce or mom ‘n’ pop restaurants. You can also help your community by buying digital products from local businesses. There are many benefits to purchasing your software from the guys down the block.
Meet your rep, face to face
When companies are looking to purchase software, the purchasing manager or IT manager usually check online first. We understand, that’s where you would go to get office supplies, to buy copies of Word for your company, to do research. You often do your due diligence on the internet. With so much business done online these days, you may not know that local software sales representatives will meet you face to face (the good ones will, anyway). If you would rather not spend months in email limbo, waiting for reply after reply, you can give us a call and ask to have a meeting.
Modern technology allows people to communicate around the world, to video chat and hold educational webinars. There’s still nothing like meeting someone face to face to hash things out. You can put a face to a name and talk shop over coffee. When we can, we prefer to do our demonstrations in-person. Why not get a personal demo of the solution in action before you choose to buy? This makes it easier for everyone to pick up on body language and visual cues, provide lossless feedback, and gain one another’s total focus. Unless you’re flying out of Midway to some remote headquarters, when else is that kind of personal touch possible? Local meetings lead to more open and friendly business relationships.
Customer service in your backyard
You’ve generated the purchase order and sent it on its merry way, so now you’re wondering what the next step is. When a solution provider is hundreds or thousands of miles away, the chances of getting in-person training or customer support are slim. While we understand the limits of global business and the need for remote training tools, understanding a product becomes leagues easier when your support agent is local. Some companies will travel to your office to personally show you how to work with the solution and get the most out of it.
A local software provider mans their support center on your schedule, with in-house IT available by phone or email in your time zone. You don’t have to worry about speaking with an outsourced assistance agent with little experience in your area. Get personalized help right from HQ during your office hours.
Small businesses start somewhere
Buying local products may help an existing company continue to grow and put out more features. It also helps brand new companies stay afloat and eventually get ahead. Chicago has become known for its startups in recent years, and Chicago software is no exception. Giving back to communities in Chicagoland can be as simple as purchasing local software solutions for your company. Everything from Document Management and Enterprise Content Management to Workflow Automation Software and Customer Relations Management systems can be bought from Chicago-based software companies. In Illinois, software providers are already augmenting the wealth of small, medium, and large businesses.
Creating local jobs
As the American economy continues to see peaks and troughs, and certain industries spring up, grow, or dwindle, software remains a hotbed for innovation and growth in Chicagoland. Companies, government entities, non-profits, and independent organizations adopt enterprise products with increasing need every year. Automation pervades manufacturing and clerical tasks, as well as the paper-heavy aspects of sales, accounting, legal, and HR departments.
Chicago enterprise solutions create jobs for local talent. In an increasingly saturated job market, the drive for success puts pressure on young and old job seekers alike. This is an industry that is simultaneously growing and getting more competitive. As new companies emerge and large companies aggregate others, the end result is more career options for everyone.
The international neighborhood
If you’re considering investing in Chicago’s digital products and services, you can bet that other cities abroad are doing the same. The international community is a web of software customers and providers around the world, and sometimes your best option is five time zones away. But looking at local solution providers in Illinois doesn’t hurt, and it’s more often than not as far as you’ll need to go.
We have customers around the world, so we know that international business is important. We also have customers right in our backyard. We are grateful for their support and for the chance to make their businesses more efficient.
Consider the benefits of buying enterprise software from your neighbors in Chicagoland. It helps your community, the regional economy, innovation in your area. It’s good for your organization as well, with local sales meetings and IT support. At the very least, every software search needs somewhere to start. Why not start at home?