How to Make Marketing Fun for Your Team

Marketing is critical for any business that wants to grow. Yet, many people hate the process of marketing and self-promotion. How do you make accounting or logistics sound fun? Perhaps the issue is how you think marketing has to be done. Maybe you associate marketing with cheesy spokespeople. Although, if you’re not the most excited person in the world about your company, then who will be? If the aspect of promoting your business does not add fuel to your fire, then why would your audience feel any differently? That is why we wanted to create this list of 10 ways to make marketing fun.

Simply… be helpful

Marketing can become much more enjoyable when you truly believe you are putting something out there that helps others. Think of this in terms of writing educational content that is relevant and intriguing to your target audience. Suppose someone needs help with where they can use their airline miles, how to decorate a tiny home or how to make Kansas city-style ribs. When you provide answers to questions, you are marketing in a way that is both fun and interesting.

Forget “networking” – make friends instead

We’ve all been told that we must get out there and “network.” Although, that term probably makes most of us cringe. It just feels so forced and insincere. Why are we networking? To get something out of someone else, or because we actually want to make new friends? It just seems so cold. Nonetheless, it must be done. So, instead of networking, make friends.

The fact of the matter is we do business with people we like. If you want to market your business, you need to be around people. The next time you’re “forced” to attend a networking event, think of it as one huge party. Who made you smile? Who sighed the same time you did over the boring speaker? Make it a point to meet just one fun person, and see where it goes.

Write like you were speaking aloud to your recipient

Business jargon makes it difficult for readers to understand what you’re conveying or even relate to you. This is especially true if sell complex products and services. Why make it harder than it needs to be?

Make it into a game

Think of ways you can create marketing games. To illustrate, what can you create that will get immediate engagement such as clicks and/or responses? It doesn’t have to be scandalous. It just has to be something your intended audience will like. Imagine you are on stage, trying to lure your audience and keep their attention. What would you do?

Think of how you speak to your peeps

When you are trying to convince family and friends to read a new book or watch a new movie, what do you normally say? So, when writing a landing page full of sales copy, think of what you might write for your friends. Would you write, “Limited time offer, BUY NOW!”? No one wants to be sold to, but they don’t mind efforts to vie for their attention.

The best sales copy is approachable, personable, and speaks to the benefits the buyers can get. When you try to convince friends to watch a movie, you’re often excited about it yourself. This is how you should treat your sales copy.

Let it go

Several decades ago, many marketers and advertisers believed that you had to control your marketing. If you’ve ever watched AMC’s Mad Men, you could see how much control companies wanted over their message and campaigns. It was a tight process that made few allowances for distractions in terms of delivery and content.

Today, things are different. In the past, consumers waited for what companies sent their way. Now, customers have a lot more control through social media and the Internet. So, let your marketing go. Put it all out there, and let your customers spread the word.

Brighten it up

In terms of images and backgrounds, don’t be afraid of color. Stay in line with your logo, but try something different. There is nothing more enjoyable and refreshing than taking a break from the norm and mundane.

Throw a party

Sometimes, a good party is all it takes to get people to view your company more positively. Perhaps you can’t afford to invite all of your customers, but hold a contest and pick a few. If it’s a great time, you can be sure they will take pictures and share their experiences. Why not market while enjoying yourself with others?

Relate to pop culture

Do you have a favorite movie, song, or TV show? Maybe it’s time to relate your marketing to pop culture, especially if you’re B2C. If you sell cloud technologies, how might that help the Stranger Things gang or help Jon Snow win the war for the dawn? If you’re in the food industry, what would the hosts of Queer Eye eat? When you think like a fan, you can reach more of them.

Interview industry experts

Take a cue from broadcast news, who uses the interview to keep their audience’s attention. Instead of trying to tackle a complex subject, why not interview an expert? You’ll enjoy meeting them, and they will feel happy to share their knowledge. Think of someone that may excite your audience. Their celebrity will certainly enhance your brand.

Marketing is something you must do, but it does not have to be cheesy or run-of-the-mill. It can be fun, especially when you make friends with your audience.


A version of this article was published as 10 Ways to Make Marketing Fun by Daniel Cochran on August 11th, 2016.

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