Contentverse Increases Productivity, Reduces Operating Costs for Al Rawabi Dairy Company

Al Rawabi Dairy Company is a leading dairy and juice company in the UAE with a wide range of products from milk, yogurt, laban, juice and functional products. Currently, Al Rawabi operates in the UAE, Oman, and Qatar, serving more than 12,500 stores with fresh products. Al Rawabi is the first company to introduce fresh juices in the GCC in 1995. It is also credited with introducing pasteurized juices in the region and functional products in the dairy industry – such as Nutree Boost and Super Milk.

Al Rawabi has the capacity to process 275,000 liters of dairy products a day, as well as 150,000 liters of juices every day.

The company is awarded with ISO 9001, ISO 14003, and ISO 22000, HACCP certifications and has received many local and international recognitions, such as the AgraME Award for Best Dairy Innovations in the UAE, the Dubai Municipality Award for Excellence in Animal Welfare, the Super Brand Award, and the Best Environmental Practices Award. Al Rawabi is also listed among the 40 strongest brands in the Arab World by Forbes Magazine in 2008 and 2015.

Al Rawabi Dairy Contentverse ComputhinkCurrent scenario

Al Rawabi Dairy Company stores and manages valuable/confidential documents, Delivery Notes, Purchase Orders, invoices. Payment Vouchers, Journal Vouchers, Credit Notes, Debit Notes, client documents/ records, employee time sheet, employee files, images, contracts, agreements, and other information which are referred to on a regular basis, in their head office.


  • There are 100+ van sales vehicles, which collect the stock from warehouses and deliver the items to stores. They get the acknowledgement document from the stores at the time of delivery. These documents are then sorted and stored in their warehouse, according to date and document type, etc. In some cases at a later stage, the customer requests for the delivery acknowledgement slip for the purpose of releasing payments. In this scenario, the retrieval of that specific document from the storage facility is a time consuming and tedious task, which may cause a delay in receiving payments.
  • The contracts and agreements are to be renewed every year with their vendors/customers. These contracts expire at different times of the year, which is a great challenge for them to track and monitor.

Al Rawabi Dairy Contentverse ComputhinkImplemented Departments – Sales, Finance, Procurement, General Manager’s Office, Quality Control, and Human Resources

Document Types – Cash Invoice, Credit Invoice, Load Summary, Sales Summary, Route Activity Log, Bank Payment Voucher, Journal Voucher, Petty Cash Voucher, Purchase Order, LC  Advise, Contracts, Agreements, Memos, Visa Copies & Passports, Personal General File, Training & Seminar File, Embassy & Consulate Correspondences, etc.

Average Number of Documents Processed & Stored – 15000 to 17000 pages per day, or 7Million+ Documents per year.

Solution & Benefits

  • At the end of the day, all the documents are scanned and segregated and processed automatically via Easy Index, and are stored by date in Contentverse Document Management System.
  • Any relevant data related to the scanned document is pulled from the existing ERP database using the DB lookup functionality of Contentverse, thus minimizing the data entry.
  • Increased productivity
  • Reduced operating cost
  • Reduced storage cost
  • Improved customer service – With fast retrieval and easy file searching, the information customer is requesting is at fingertips.

Why Contentverse Document Management System

Contentverse emerges as a viable solution for various industries because it is simple, flexible, and affordable, and has many salient attributes which really benefit the organizations:

  • Familiar user interface
  • Supports 400+ file formats
  • Powerful scanning, indexing, and searching features
  • One-click email and print
  • Built-in OCR and full text search
  • Custom workflow features
  • Highly secure, 128 bit encryption
  • Control access at any level
  • MS Office Integration & Outlook Hot Folder
  • Powerful annotation
  • Version/ Revision
  • Check in/ Checkout
  • Notification & Alerts
  • Audit trail
  • Integration with existing applications
  • Database lookup
  • Records retention
  • Access via web and desktop applications
  • Automated data capture using EasyIndex
  • Regulatory & Legal Compliance
  • Local services and support provided by reseller Cube Innovators Technologies LLC

Al Rawabi has experienced a significant increase in productivity, reduction of operating and storage costs, and improved customer service – with fast retrieval and easy file searching, the information customers are requesting is at their fingertips.


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