Working Without Document Management is Craziness

When doing an in-depth analysis of a company, you always have to think about SWOT. What’s SWOT, you ask? It’s a company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, which cover everything happening internally and externally. It might be a bit tough to swallow, but a SWOT matrix can help organize and internalize a somewhat intimidating venture.

You can create a SWOT matrix by compiling a list of the most important traits of your company. The goal of creating this matrix is to become aware of things happening outside of your control – resulting from what your company does well and, maybe more importantly, what they do poorly. Below, you will find a SWOT analysis for companies that don’t have document management software.

Working Without Document Management is Craziness

As you can see, there are a few strengths in not having document management software. Honestly, learning is hard! I think we can all agree that the weaknesses a company faces, such as wasting time and money, far outweigh the perks of paper airplanes. Think some of these threats are not real? We can assure you they are. For example, many times when an employee leaves a company someone then has to go digging through their computer, finding files (which are probably mislabeled), and transferring or editing each individual document.

That sounds awful.

With systems like Contentverse, everyone uploads their files into the program – so those steps are inherently eliminated. I know what you’re thinking, “Hey I can fix those weaknesses without document management software!” and you might be be correct. However, you will be wasting effort and money trying to compensate when the solution is waiting for you at the click of a button – and spoiler alert: that button’s at the top of this very page.

About the Author:

Kelsey Joza Kelsey Joza is the Marketing Coordinator at Computhink. She may be new to the professional world, but that doesn’t stop her from creating some ridiculously awesome social media campaigns. She is enamored with all aspects of marketing, whether it be research, growth hacks, or brainstorming the next big thing. She thrives when she’s able to be loud and not wear shoes, and in her spare time she loves to write about herself in third person. She can be reached at or on any Contentverse social media platform.

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