5 Steps to a Happy Workday

You’ve mastered your nighttime regimen and jumped into bed (while reminding yourself that there is no better feeling than this). After counting sheep, your eyes slowly shut and the snoring begins. Before you know it, the sound that reminds you that you will never be able to sleep in after 6 a.m. until you retire goes off – the alarm clock. It’s a sign that it is time to get up for work.  Most tend to feel as if life is over as soon as their alarm goes off because you are likely to be tired still, but your day doesn’t end when you hear that sound; it actually begins.

Luckily, you are alive and breathing. On the downside, you’re on a time crunch and you have to get ready for work. Chop Chop!  Not everyone is a morning person, and you have a long day filled with meetings, emails, phone calls, conversations, the list goes on… If you are a person that tends to rush every single morning to get to work due to procrastination, here are 5 ways to make your morning routine much more easy and peaceful – you’ll thank us later:

5 Steps to a Happy Workday1.  Wake up 20 minutes early

Twenty minutes can spare you so much time. Believe it or not, you can do a lot in that 20 minutes to get your blood flowing, such as an easy workout or even meditation to start your day. You also won’t be rushing to work which is the start of any bad day that will make you want nothing more than to curl up in bed. A morning workout does well for the body. Not only will you feel productive, but you will also feel like you did something great for your body. You can’t go wrong there!

5 Steps to a Happy Workday2.  Do not hit snooze

As much as we’d love to sleep for another 5 minutes, this is the worst move you can make in the morning. Give yourself a break and don’t start your day off hitting this forbidden button because you will regret it – I assure you. Hitting snooze only means 1 thing: stress. Snooze and stress go hand-in-hand because when you hit snooze you are going to fall back asleep for what, 10 minutes? You will be even more tired if you close your eyes and open them again 10 minutes later. But the most frantic part about hitting snooze is missing your next alarm and waking up 10 minutes before work starts. Would you rather be 10 minutes early or 10 minutes late to work? You decide.

5 Steps to a Happy Workday3.  Eat an actual breakfast

Nothing is as uncomfortable as having an empty stomach from the time you wake up until the time you are situated in your office. Why put your body through that misery? Yogurt, cereal, granola bar, anything to keep your stomach happy. If you set your alarm 20 minutes before your usual time, you’ll even get to cook breakfast.

5 Steps to a Happy Workday4.  Get some valuable alone time

While working in an office, you are constantly around so many people. There are 24 conversations going on at once, you are busy conversing over the phone, and don’t forget the frustration over your computer when it decides to lag as soon as you do anything work related. If you can, do something in the morning that allows you to give yourself some time to gather your thoughts. This could be drinking coffee alone, reading outside on a beautiful morning, or even catch up on your favorite websites.

5 Steps to a Happy Workday5.  Be productive during your commute

Ah yes, technology is up to par these days and commuting can be difficult at times, especially when you want to get ahead before you get to your desk – which would be the smart thing to do. Don’t have all of your paper files in hand? No problem! Companies are now providing their employees with document management software such as Contentverse. This is a great way for employees to access their files and projects in a safe and easy manner using their phones and laptops. The best part? You can edit your documents and share them with your fellow employees. This is a software necessity that will really flip an ordinary business into an efficient business.

Despite all of the hassle it takes to wake up and get ready for the workday, sparing a few more minutes to take it easy in the morning and using document management software will really ease up the possible workday headache (not to mention your couch and bed will always be waiting for you back at home). The passion in your job and gaining knowledge only happens when you push for it. Get up and get out! The weekend is always only days away.


A version of this article titled 5 Morning Routines to Ensure a Happy Workday by Samantha Lebbos was published on April 24, 2014.

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