5 Ways New Tech is Changing Business

The business world is no stranger to the way technology shapes our lives. From the invention of the assembly line to the creation of the smart phone, organizations have always been able to seize upon new ideas as they come along. But are you ready for the tech emerging right now? In our last post, we looked at the memes that are shifting in business. This week, let’s take a moment to examine how the digital revolution is engaging with enterprises worldwide.

Data privacy isn’t just a concern for Big Data

Every industry has been plagued in the last year with major revenue loss due to information security. This may seem a little obvious to some because of its presence in the media, but the scope of data leaks and hacks has been staggering. If you think that your information is safe, talk to some of these poor suckers and think again. It doesn’t matter which industry you’re in, using anything even resembling a computer puts you at risk.

If bottom line is always your number one priority, security should be a close second this year. Luckily, one of the biggest problems with corporate information management is an easy fix. Keeping login password info varied, hidden, and off of your computer is a best practice many companies are still neglecting. You can keep your files digital so long as the keys are secure.

Mobile Assistants are deleting jobs

Does your iPhone talk to you? Does it keep you company during the commute? More importantly, is it scheduling your appointments?

Google Now, Cortana, Siri. These are some of the biggest names in smartphone personal assistants. Most mobile devices have some variation of this. It can sort your mail, pick a place for your business lunch, do your client research, and even take your calls.

Secretaries, personal assistants, office coordinators, and other staff members are at risk of losing their jobs to smartphones and organizing apps. This will alter the business landscape, as more business people become more self-sufficient. These new tech changes have yet to cause mass hysteria, but don’t be surprised if this year sees a dip in job postings.

Virtual Reality, Simulation, and Interactivity

Companies are already taking advantage of Skype and FaceTime. Global business demands technical advancement, for travel and communication. If you want to keep pace with your colleagues halfway around the world, you have to be able to reach one another at the drop of a hat.

That’s what VR does best. Imagine not only seeing what your partner in Japan is showing you but being able to look around the room that they are in. Using a headset like the Oculus Rift can help businesses close the gap between borders.

Just being there isn’t enough, though, is it? View new prototypes in three dimensions or tour the plant from a mobile pair of on-site cameras. This sounds like stuff out of science fiction, but it really has value that’s as yet untapped.

Everything’s going digital

Not just the way we communicate: everything is becoming digital. This includes how you manage your files. If we’re lucky, you’re reading this and thinking, “of course document management has gone digital.” But so many businesses refuse to admit it.

Electronic filing systems are imperative at the enterprise level, especially when data security is called into question. You need an ECM solution that won’t just organize your information, it’ll keep it safe from prying eyes.

Document management Software will be seeing a spike in use as we journey into the new year. It’s important to remember how important technology is, even for a part of business we tend to take for granted.

Unplugging for your mental health

New tech is a beautiful thing, but even software programmers and phone manufacturers know when to hold back. Futurists and technology-based startups agree that getting out of the office and into a low-stress environment will become common practice in years to come. Employers are beginning to understand this and implement steps toward using tech more selectively. You need to disengage every once in a while. As much as we love our smartphones and tablets and handy apps, nothing beats an in-person meeting for showing customers that you care.

Maybe that’s what it’s all about for 2015. Technology is becoming more important, but so are people. The most successful companies will be the ones who can communicate both with and without the headset.

About the Author:

daniel cochran Daniel Cochran is a Creative Content Coordinator at Computhink. He is currently enthralled in the throes of blog writing, comic drawing, and brain storming, loving every minute of it. Daniel also enjoys riding his bicycle to and from the coffee shop, ordering coffee at the coffee shop, and enjoying coffee with other coffee hounds at the coffee shop. He can be reached at dcochran@computhink.com.

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