10 Bad Office Habits to Drop Right Now
Unless you are a Vulcan, bad office habits are something all of us have. And bad habits at the office can be pretty damaging, in terms of keeping your job. Be honest with yourself and really think about all the things that prevent things at work from going smoothly and ask yourself if you contribute to that bottleneck. If you do, it may be one of the things on the list below.
Social Media Addict
There are some people who love checking on their contacts’ activities in the Twittersphere, Facebook and any other of the many sites for social updating. But since you are on the company coin, this is a major no-no.
Whether it’s first thing in the morning or coming in from lunch, arriving late always looks bad.
The Gossip
Talking out of turn or just plain blabbing can land you in a lot of hot water, with both your workmates and your superiors.
Being Conflictive
Having an opinion is one thing but getting all worked up is completely another. Being scary does not make people respect you.
Liar, liar, pants on fire
. If relationships fall apart because of lies, it’ll do the same thing in your work place. Lying in any capacity is bad news.
Holding up the production line
If other people depend on what you do to finish what they are doing, it is definitely not cool to wait until the last minute, just because you work better under pressure.
Going to Whine Country
Complaining never helps get things done. So why do it? It brings everyone else down so reign it in and work on being a team player.
Unclear communication
Whether it is with your superiors or in an email, you need to make yourself understood. Poor communication can hold back production.
Bad body language
A limp handshake, turning your back on someone who is talking to you and rolling your eyes are all examples of just plain rude behavior.
Being easily distracted
Blame your ADD all you want. If you were hired to get something done, you need to do it with as little interruption as possible.