You’ve found yourself bored at work and need to pass the time. What are the options when you just can’t focus? How can you enjoy your time at the ol’ 9-to-5 and also be productive? Getting tasks done feels like a drag. There are remedies for this. Ways you can take your mind off of work for a moment and still be a useful member of the team. How about ways you can get more done while just killing time! We’ve got it all.
Clean your space
Yeah, we’re a bit messy from time to time – and may be not even messy, just unorganized. De-clutter, dust, and organize to swiftly move through the last hour of your day. This will also give you the ability to exercise some creativity should you choose to rearrange. It truly isn’t as bad as it sounds if you’re really searching for ways to pass time without getting in trouble at work! Get yourself a cleaning agent caddie and then go to town on those dust bunnies and crumbs from last month’s lunch!
Get up and stretch
Take a few minutes to stretch, move around, or just breathe. Take a minute to splash some water on your face, walk in place, get something to quench your thirst. It helps to move around in the office. Go outside, see if the sky is still hanging on for dear life up there. Stare at the sun (but not for too long). Enjoy the weather. Your boss won’t regret letting you get a little exercise.
Take a break
If you’re given coffee breaks throughout the day, save one until the end if you’re able to do so. This helps break up blocks of time, giving you the feeling of relief when you need it most. Step outside, hide out in the break room – do something, but get away from your work space. Some people bring a book of short stories with them to work. You can knock out a piece of flash fiction in five minutes or play a quick game of Palm Island to reinvigorate your lumpy, tired brain.
Snack (healthily) at your desk
Sometimes, it’s easy to get lost in a nice snack. Bring healthy items such as nuts, granola, carrots, etc. and snack toward the end of the day to boost energy and give you something to do. It can be extremely fun to just munch as you work. Share some with your coworkers. Offer some to the big cheese – who knows, it might get you a raise. You’ll probably be running the place someday with all of the sesame sticks you’ve been slingin’.
Create a to-do list
Simple enough, make a list of tasks that you have yet to complete. Full assignments or individual items. Prioritize them and then begin crossing them off as they are completed. You will feel an overwhelming sense of accomplishment. And when your boss looks at you funny for that euphoric grin you’re sporting, you can just tell them you’ve finished all of your tasks for the day. Like a boss. Boom. Mic drop. Audi! Then go home early and make yourself a sundae with a bowl and spoon made out of chocolate like something out of Willy Wonka. You’ve earned it.
Now dig on this! You can pass the time at work while still staying productive and getting stuff done. Bet you didn’t see that coming.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Steve Harnden, Marketing Manager, Computhink 630.705.9050 x221, sharnden@computhink Lombard, IL, January 3, 2013 – Computhink, Inc., a leading provider of Electronic Document and Content Management Solutions to the small to mid-sizedRead more
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For most people, at least 1/4th of their time each week is spent in the office. As a result, it’s prudent to treat your office space like a second home. Clutter is a major distractionRead more
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Steve Harnden, Marketing Manager, Computhink 630.705.9050 x221, sharnden@computhink CHICAGO, IL, July 24, 2013 – Computhink, a global provider of document and content management software, has rebranded their flagship product to Contentverse.Read more
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