The Contentverse Knowledge Center is Taking Off!
Contentverse is so much more than just an easy-to-use ECM solution. Some users never discover the true depth of the product, which is why we are introducing the Contentverse Knowledge Center. This is your complete learning and information hub for all things Contentverse. Many of our customers and partners are already uncovering the significant benefits in the powerful options Contentverse has to offer through the CKC.
The Knowledge Center offers a comprehensive understanding for everything in Contentverse from the basics of navigating the interface to the advanced auto business process setup opportunities for optimizing and streamlining tasks in the Administrative Client. Every learning path includes videos to teach you the subject, Try-its for hands-on experience, and review quizzes to test your comprehension.
Lonnie Hines, a Computhink partner who works with Contentverse customers every day, says, “I was very impressed with the quality and content of the training videos. The narrator did an excellent job of walking through the various steps of each task or feature and explaining the details and reasons why rather than just showing how to do something. This makes it much easier to retain the information.”
For users new to our ECM, the CKC has courses on every level from the very basics offered as introductory paths to exploring the inclusive administration tools such as reporting and audit trail monitoring. You can learn about advanced search capabilities, like wildcards and location based search, or study the ins and outs of the web-based Contentverse Professional Client or the smart phone apps. Customers who add modules to their Contentverse experience can delve into the potential of these add-ons right away using the CKC.
The Knowledge Center gives anyone the potential to utilize the full extent of Contentverse. “The major advantage is that anytime you have a question about how to do something you can go online and quickly drill down to the exact feature you need to know about” says Hines. Users can see the function carried out, “listen to the explanation and see how you can apply it to your own needs.” Contentverse customers are able to learn each element of the software at their own pace, and with each completed path, they receive a certificate for their progress.
The cost benefits of the CKC stack on top of those which customers are already finding in Contentverse itself. Even for organizations with overwhelming paper records or seemingly insurmountable filing chaos, Contentverse turns their processes around and infuses them with incredible efficiency. Contentverse is so feature-rich that the simplest and easiest way to adequately leverage its maximum productivity is through the Knowledge Center. So the Contentverse Knowledge Center is a boon for companies large and small who need to study the product on their schedule. The CKC also saves customers the on-site training fees that normally accompany enterprise software implementations.
“The entire course was laid out in functional sections,” says Hines, “and I could check my overall progress at a glance. It also gave detailed information about each course and I could see what I had completed and even review my scores anytime.” The Knowledge center not only tracks your progress, it also gives users the freedom to return to completed courses. “If I needed to review any material it was very easy to just go back and review the previous courses any time.” The platform takes the stress and hassle out of learning software, just as Contentverse takes the stress and hassle out of managing documents.
Whether you are new to Contentverse or a veteran of a decade or more, the Contentverse Knowledge Center has concise, valuable information about your ECM. Even the most experienced users will be pleasantly surprised by what they discover in the CKC. Of his completed training in the CKC, Hines says, “I have come away with a better appreciation for the depth and sophistication of the product.”