How a Disorganized Office Space Can Ruin Your Day

Let’s be honest, no matter how organized we are the work tends to pile up. There’s nothing worse than everything catching up with you and even worse – a forgotten assignment. Putting off workplace cleaning can also have negative impacts on both your health and work performance, because  it’s hard to do a good job when your work is all over the place. Below are things in your life that can be negatively impacted if your workplace is disorganized:

The public perception of you

No one wants to be the office slob. Even if you never come face-to-face with clients, it’s important to maintain an image of commitment and interest to your co-workers and superiors. Over-enthusiasm isn’t necessary, but at least make it seem as if you care before Mrs. Foot talks to you about it — or else you may be out of a job.

Your quality of work

This is the obvious detriment of disorganization in the workplace. With clutter all over your desk, it’s inevitable that your quality of work will begin to suffer, whether you realize it or not. Regardless of your industry, work often requires citations that may be buried in your desk somewhere. Unless your business has content management software installed, you are wasting vital time digging up information that would have otherwise been quickly available with a clean desk.

Your waist

Believe it or not, unwanted office clutter can lead to unhealthy eating habits. Research has suggested that disorganization at home and work can lead to disorganized eating habits, where awareness of conventional healthy eating patterns are thrown out in favor of erratic and unhealthy tendencies. If you show little care for your work-space, the nonchalance may carry over to your bodily health.

Your blood pressure

When disorganization becomes an accustomed part of one’s life, they have increased stress due to a mounting pile of clutter that seems to never go away. This mounting pressure can cause anxiety, which in turn can raise your blood pressure and make you more prone for a heart attack or stroke. For your health’s sake, clean your desk!

Your wallet

What do all the items above have in common when they’re negatively impacted? They cost money to fix. Whether you acquire health issues, a decrease in work quality/quantity, or are fired due to your disorganization in the office, you’ll need money to serve as a remedy.

So be proactive about this and don’t wait for Scuba Steve to come and invite you into the Scuba Squad — because unfortunately, there’s a good chance that’s not happening…


A version of this article was published as The Hidden Effects of Clutter on October 13th, 2018.

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