Our Favorite AIIM Blogs of the Week

The Association for Information and Image Management is an organization with one goal: to help others keep your records in order. That means protection, progress, and profitability for businesses and organizations who manage a great deal of information every day. As a company that strives to make information management easier, Computhink has a natural interest in what AIIM has to say. Let’s take a look at a few selections from their blog:

  • Records Management: Why is it important? by Denny Hammock
    This obviously caught our eye— records management is what we do. Hammock came up with a top four list of what makes this part of business so crucial. You can save time, money, space, and increase your security and compliance. Hammock makes a great argument: the state of information is constantly changing, and digital records management is the best way to stay on board.
  • The World’s (Second) Oldest Profession by Lisa Rucciuti
    Worse than misunderstanding document management is undervaluing its use. Here Ricciuti discusses how useful recordkeeping and records management have been since the inception of recorded history. Unfortunately, many businesses today treat this often digital aspect of the office as if the consequences for mismanagement will also be merely virtual. Perhaps tighter regulations of records management would encourage better practices.
  • Information Governance Is by Chris Walker
    In light of a recent frenzy of Information Governance (IG) discussion, Walker decided to post on the most talked about issue— what is IG, really? According to his article, Governance refers to the policies surrounding the handling of information, while Management is about the procedures. No matter what you call it, Walker argues that terms are less important than giving IG the attention it merits and the resources it requires to build a streamlined, compliant business.
  • Collaboration and Process Standardization for Better Business Results by Maricel Rivera
    As globalization transforms the corporate world and the demand for information accessibility increases, quick decision making from one side of the planet to the other is crucial. Integrating an optimized business process with technology can ensure success. Some companies are loathe to change old habits and outdated systems because it’s time consuming, but Rivera makes a substantial claim that moving forward will empower your employees and change business for the better.
  • Times have changed— Problems Remain by Bob Larrivee
    Upgrading your tech isn’t the only answer to stagnant processes. Sometimes the entire way your company does things needs an overhaul. Larrivee discusses the problems that businesses have been facing for decades, and how they still cripple companies today. Solving productivity and information complications will make working with enterprise software even more symbiotic than you thought it could be.

The bloggers at the Association for Information and Image Management have their thumbs pressed firmly to the heartbeat of the information age that we navigate. With articles ranging from explanations of industry terms to posts predicting the future of information management, finding something for your company on here is not difficult. As for Computhink, we look forward to seeing what AIIM can show us going forward in the information trade.


About the Author:

daniel cochran Daniel Cochran is a Creative Content Coordinator at Computhink. His background is in fiction writing and book sales, but he is thrilled to be a part of the marketing revolution. He is currently enthralled in the throes of blog writing, comic drawing, and brain storming, loving every minute of it. Daniel also enjoys riding his bicycle to and from the coffee shop, ordering coffee at the coffee shop, and enjoying coffee with other coffee hounds at the coffee shop. He can be reached at dcochran@computhink.com.


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