10 Hot New Office Supplies Transforming How We Work

Everyone wants to work comfortably, and some of us want to work in style. Frequently, that’s the debate office workers and admins must tussle over for purchasing decisions. When it comes right down to it, why can’t we have both? We’ve assembled a list of ten gadgets, widgets, and wonders for you to go wild over while you shop for the office. Convenient, high-tech, and with modern, sleek designs, these items aren’t just meant to impress but to make your day-to-day work easier and more enjoyable.

Take a look!

10. Stop shouting into your speakerphone, and start talking to one another

The Sennheiser SP 20 and SP 20 ML are speakerphones for your business man or woman on the go. Rather than relying on the ancient and often unreliable practice of dialing into your phone network via speakerphone, Sennheiser is going with the more modern method of VoIP communication. Voice over Internet Protocol. Don’t know what that is? Think Skype. It means calling someone via wifi or data instead of the ol’ phone line. Provided the wifi you plug into is up to snuff, the call will be clearer and more consistent. Also, these speakerphones can plug into your phone, tablet, or computer, so you can’t get much better than that.

9. Like a Roomba for printing your documents

Sometimes you have to print your itinerary or a contract for a client, but you don’t want to drag an entire multi-function printer behind you with a leash. Enter the Zuta Mobile Printer. This little gadget connects via wifi to any device or computer (again, lots of versatility here). Place it in the top left corner of your blank page, and watch the wonders unfold. It’s faster than it looks and quiet as a mouse. Plus, it makes you and your company look cutting edge. The Ooo’s and Ahhh’s will be turning into dollar signs right before your eyes.

8. No time to hit the gym? Burn calories while you crunch numbers at the office.

This incredible machine isn’t the first of its kind, but it certainly is among the best. The Cubii under-desk Elliptical Trainer is a cardio workout you can fit into your busy schedule. The device is small and discreet, with a simple design that is neither complicated to setup nor prone to breaking down. What’s more, it can interface with a step-tracking app. You’re not going to get swole using the Cubii, but you can break a sweat and shed some weight after extended use. Go for a brief workout before lunch, or idly pedal throughout the day. Or, as this article suggests, do both!

7. Tired of all that ellipticalling? Cool down and hang loose with this unusual footrest.

The FUUT Desk Feet Hammock is designed for comfort. It’s just what it sounds like: a hammock for your barking dogs. Take a load off. Stay a while. Kick back and enjoy working in luxury. This simple desk accessory features a classic design and adjustable cords – stick with the looser, lower-hanging lengths for average work sessions. Then switch it up high so that you can feel like office royalty. Your feet will thank you for the extra attention.

6. Working in an office isn’t just about lounging around…or is it?

New office systems are a dime a dozen these days. Open offices, underwater offices, workspaces with cafés and beer taps – anything to eliminate the claustrophobia that accompanied yesteryear’s labyrinthine cubicle farms. Now, Steelcase has given us the Brody WorkLounge. Called a micro-environment, these one-or-two-person cubicles are rounded instead of cube-shaped, with each occupant getting their own space to focus and work. The WorkLounge is quite comfortable, with an ergonomically minded chair and footrest, a moving tray for easy access to your computer or notes, and a handy reading lamp. The lower walls feature a bright, solid color, while the upper walls are low enough to invite your boss for a quick chat and semi-translucent so as to let in natural light. With the WorkLounge, you can finally get your quarterly reports done in peace.

5. Charging two batteries at once

Everyone is still coming down from the rush of those rechargeable power sticks and bricks: devices which hold a charge so that you can give your phone juice on the road. Why would you ever want a gadget that does one thing when you can get a device that does two? The confusingly named Tylt Energi 2K (surely someone got their vowels scrambled) is just that. It’s both a usb charger and a power receptacle. So you can store energy and top up your phone all in the same pit stop. The 2,200 mAh battery (hence the 2K) moves energy fast, so you can be ready to continue on with your trade show or business trip in no time!

4. Speaking of powering your devices

Got time to sit and watch your phone while it charges? Need to catch up on Game of Thrones during your lunch break? Chatting with international clients over Skype? Now you can prop up your touch-screen device and give it some juice with the same gadget. Check out the Tylt Vu Wireless Charger or the Signal Edge+ Battery Tablet Stand. Both devices allow you to keep on working while you effortlessly charge your mobile or tablet. The Edge+ is adjustable, while the Vu is more stylish, so we suggest getting both for your office and picking one to use depending on your mood. Hey, best of both worlds.

3. Build a powerful PC without all the research

What if you could build your own desktop computer without wasting time looking up every single brand and price guide? Forget the science, forget the messy assembly. Let’s just do this. That’s the concept behind Razer’s Christine series. Simple PC building for everyone. With a host of interchangeable parts to pick from, customers will be able to plug in components to a central spine of connected ports. They’ll be choosing storage, RAM, graphics cards, and so on all from Razer’s web store. No more motherboard headaches or frustrating cable management. This sort of option will be ideal for video producers, IT professionals, or anyone who wants to have a little more control over the price and parts of their PC. The Christine series isn’t out yet, but keep an eye on Razer’s website for coming updates.

2. Sorry, Bill, you’ve been replaced by a robot…

Well, not entirely. Double Robotics has designed a pair of wheels with a head on top. You can put your iPad on it and control the rolling robot from afar. While few readers will see this unusual concept hit their office anytime soon, telepresence robots are a growing force in the business technology industry. Imagine shuffling around your Chicago apartment in loafers while your digital presence leads a meeting in Hong Kong. How about being able to make appointments in branch offices across the country while saving thousands of dollars in air fare every year. Once top brass sees those numbers, they won’t be replacing you with a robot, they’ll be giving you a raise!

1. And now for everyone’s favorite: Coffee

Who doesn’t love coffee? It’s delicious, complex, and it gives you a kick that starts your day off right. But, let’s be honest: no one in your office wants to be the coffee guy or girl. That’s intern stuff, right? What if coffee making was fast and fun, though? Aerobie created the Aeropress Coffee Maker as a response to French Presses that didn’t quite live up to modern caffeine addicts’ expectations. Put your grounds in. Put your hot water in. Press. That’s it! The design lends itself to simplicity. Easy setup. Easy cleanup. It makes coffee and espresso in varying strengths, roughly two cups per batch. The AeroPress is the best solution to the office coffee debacle we’ve found to date.


We hope you left halfway through this article to rush out and buy some of these modern wonders for your workplace. If not, thanks for sticking around. You’ll need some space for all of these new gadgets, so you might want to think of updating the one office supply in the shortest supply: elbow room. Ditch some of those filing cabinets, and digitize your documents. You won’t miss all of the clutter, and more room means more space for the latest and greatest in business tech! Happy shopping!

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