Storing Your Files is Just the Beginning
For many years, companies first realized they needed document management when legal and financial officers ran down the hall yelling, “Wait, don’t throw that away!” That’s because businesses across so many industries were experiencing an environment of increased regulatory, legal and
How Batch Processing Saves Time and Money
Once upon a time, in the early days of computers, many of them could really only do one thing—as opposed to today, when our computers are built and designed to do everything. These archaic computers were also much slower than ours
Automating Your Data Organization with Indexing
Okay, let’s say you’ve scanned all your company’s documents. Congratulations! You’re on your way to keeping your business’ irreplaceable content and records safe, backed up, and easy to access. No more wading through an ocean of paperwork just to find information
Computhink Releases Forms Capture Solution for Contentverse
With the release of Contentverse version 8.3, we’re announcing a brand new PDF and Word forms capture option to automate your document input needs. CV Forms is easy to integrate and maximizes efficiency across a wide range of vertical and
AnyDoc Integrates with Contentverse ECM Solution
Do your business needs include an automated frontend capture software that uses both OCR and ICR recognition to provide an automated document, data & classification capture solution? AnyDoc, by OnBase Hyland Software, is one of the leading industry solutions. Utilized by