Accounting Software and Enterprise Content Management
Here’s a fact that may surprise you (or may not, depending on your familiarity with various financial management platforms): in the small business space, Quickbooks has close to 80% market share. We love us some Quickbooks -- who doesn’t? --
Automating Your Data Organization with Indexing
Okay, let’s say you’ve scanned all your company’s documents. Congratulations! You’re on your way to keeping your business’ irreplaceable content and records safe, backed up, and easy to access. No more wading through an ocean of paperwork just to find information
Document scanning – There’s More to It Than You Think
In 1975, an article called “The Office of the Future” was published in Business Week. In this article, the author describes this distant office of 1995, explaining, “[There will be a] TV-display terminal with keyboard sitting on the desk. I’ll
Automated Capture Solution for Contentverse ECM with Easy Index
The ever-growing volume of data entering our business processes is, for some, clearly beginning to put a strain on the ability to process them in a timely fashion. When it comes to entering documents into an enterprise content management solution,
AnyDoc Integrates with Contentverse ECM Solution
Do your business needs include an automated frontend capture software that uses both OCR and ICR recognition to provide an automated document, data & classification capture solution? AnyDoc, by OnBase Hyland Software, is one of the leading industry solutions. Utilized by
Coming Soon: Contentverse 8.1
Big things are happening here at Computhink. We've added a boatload of new features to the new version of Contentverse (coming soon). More details will be available when we're allowed, but we couldn’t resist spilling one of the most important